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Showing posts from June, 2016

Tune 451 - On the Wagon

An American black-face minstrel song tune first published in 1850. Crossed the Atlantic and was recorded from the playing of Dolly Curtis melodeon player and landlady of the Dennington Bell in the 1980’s. X: 44 T:On the Waggon M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G e2 f2|g2 g2 d2 c2|B2 d6|e2 e2 c2 e2|d6 f2| g2 g2 d2 c2|B2 d6|e2 f2 a2 f2|g4:|| g2 a2|b3 a b2 g2|e2 d6|g2 f2 g2 e2|d2 B6| b3 a b2 g2|e2 d6|e2 f2 a2 f2|g4:||

Tune 450 - Pipers Fancy

A tune about which I know nothing other than it is also know as the New Rigged Ship. X:450 T:Pipers Fancy M:6/8 K:G D|GFG G2 B|GFG G2 B|AFD DFA|AFD DEF| GFG G2 B|GFG G2 B|AFD DEF|G3 G2:| B/c/|d2 B d2 B|GAG GBd|e2 c e2 c|ABA ABc| d2 B d2 B|GAB G2 B|AFD DEF|G3 G2:|