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Tune 557 - La Belle Jeanette

  La Belle Jeannette comes from a violin tutor handed down through Thomas Hardy's family, and is reproduced in The Musical Heritage of Thomas Hardy X:1 T:La Belle Jeanette M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G |:G3 A B2 B2|c2 c2 A4|dedc BcBA|GABc B2 A2| G3 A B2 B2|c2 c2 A4|dedc B2 G2|BAGF G4:| GABc d2 B2|c2 d2 B2 G2|GABc d2 B2|c2 d2 g4| GABc d2 B2|c2 d2 B2 G2|GABc d2 B2|c2 d2 g4||
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Tune 556 - Here We Come a'Wassailing

  A traditional English Christmas carol and New Year song. X:302 T:Here We Come a'Wassailling L:1/8 M:6/8 K:G G2 A B2 A|G2 A B2 A|G2 d d2 d|d6| e2 e d2 B|d3 c2 B|A2 G A2 B| M:4/4 c4 B2 c2|d4 g2 e2|d4 B2 c2|d2 d2 g2 e2| d4 B2 c2|d4 e2 B2|c2 A2 G2 F2|G3 A B2 G2| c4 B2 c2|d4 e2 B2|c2 A2 G2 F2|G8|-G4 z4|

Tune 555 - Trip to the Forest

  Tune collected by CJ Sharp from John Mason in Stow-on-the-Wold Workhouse in 1909. X:555 T:Trip to the Forest M:6/8 K:G L:1/8 |:b3 g3|B2 e def|g2 d g2 d|BcB A3| b3 g3|B2 e d2 d|efg f2 f|a3 g3:|| |:a2 g f2 e|d2 c Bcd|e2 e gfe|e2 d def| g3 f3|e3 d2 d|efg f2 f|a3 g3:||

Tune 554 - We're No' Awa Tae Bide Awa'

  Originally a drinking song, this is the archetypal "farewell" song, played by pipers on the quayside when many a ship has left port. X:554 T:We're No' Awa Tae Bide Awa' M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G |:GA|B3 d|cBAG|B2 G2|G2 Bd| g3 a|gfed|e4|d2 ef| g2 g2|g3 B|c2 e2|d3 d| e2 d2|g2 B2|A4|G2:|

Tune 553 - Winster Morris Reel

  A morris dance tune from the Winster tradition in Derbyshire X:877 T:Winster Morris Reel M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G |:D|G>AG A2 B|c>BA d>cB|G>AG A2 B|cAF G2:|| |d|g>fe d>cB|A>Bc B>AG|g>fe d>cB|A>Bc B2 d| g>fe d>cB|A>Bc B>AG|g>fe d>cB|A>GA G2||

Tune 552 - An Adventure at Margate

  An Adventure at Margate is an English Country Dance. It was published by Thomas Skillern in 1780 in Twenty Four Country Dances for the Year 1780. X:552 T:An Adventure at Margate M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G dBG dBG|e2 d d3|dBG dBG|c2 B B3| dBG dBG|ecG ecG|Bcd dcB|G3 G3:| ABc cAF|dBG dBG|ABc cBA|dBG GBd| ece ece|dBd dBd|edc BcA|GGG G3:|

Tune 551 - Swedish Masquerade

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