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Tune 510 - Cranbrook (While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night)

Cranbrook is a hymn tune composed in the 1790s Thomas Clark, a cobbler from Canterbury. Also used for On Ilkla Moor Baht'at X:510 T:While Shepherds Washed Their Flocks T:Cranbrook     L:1/8 M:4/4 K:G g2 d>e dc BA|G4 -G3 d|gfed edcB|B4 A4| d2 d>e fd ef|g8|a2 a>gfa ef|d4 -d3 d| g>g gd g3 a|b>b ba b3 b|a2 g2 g2 f2|g8||

Tune 509 - Angeline the Baker

An old time fiddle tune collected by John Lomax. X:509 T:Angeline the Baker M:4/4 L:1/8 K:D dB|A2 B2 d3 A|B2 d4 dB|A2 B2 dB A2| B6 dB|A2 B2 d3 e|f2 e2 d3 e|f2 e2 d2 B2|A3 B A2:| fg|a2 f2 e2 de|f2 e2 d2 fg|a2 f2 e2 d2|B3 B B2 fg| a2 f2 e2 de|f2 e2 d2 de|f2 e2 d2 B2|A3 B A2:

Tune 508 - When This Bloody War is Over

Originally a tune for the hymn What a Friend we Have in Jesus, used in the 1969 film, Oh! What a Lovely War with the title "When This Bloody War Is Over". X:508 T:When This Bloody War is Over T:What a Friend We Have In Jesus M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G d3 d edBG|G4 E4|D3 G BGdB|A4- A4| d3 d edBG|G4 E4|D3 G BAGF|G4- G4| A3 B cBcA|B4 d4|e3 e dBcB|A4- A4| d3 d edBG|G4 E4|D3 G BAGF|G4- G4|

Tune 507 - Personent Hodie

A Christmas carol originally published in the 1582 Finnish song book Piae Cantiones. Now used for more modern hymns and at least one morris dance. X:507 T:Personent Hodie M:4/4 L:1/8 K:Edor E2 E2 B4|A2 A2 B4|B2 B2 e4|c2 d2 B4| A2 B2 d4|A2 B2 G4|F2 E2 F2 D2|E4 E4|F2 G2 A2 D2|E4 E4|| F2 G2 A4|A4 A4|G2 A2 B4|B4 B4| F2 G2 A4|G2 F2 E4|F2 E2 E2 D2|E4 E4-|E8||

Tune 506 - Hesleyside Reel

A Northumbrian tune X:506 T:The Hesleyside Reel M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G GA|B2 dB AGAB|GABc d2 ef|gfge dBGB|e2 A2 A2 GA| B2 dB AGAB|GABc d2 ef|gfge dBGA|B2 G2 G2:| Bd|edef gfge|dBGB d2 Bd|edef gfge|dBGB A2 GA| B2 dB AGAB|GABc d2 ef|gfge dBGA|B2 G2 G2:|

Tune 505 - Froggy's First Jump

A tune by Dave Whetstone which has been used as a morris tune, as far as I can tell mostly in America. X:505 T:Froggys First Jump C:Dave Whetstone M:4/4 K:G dedc BGBd|c2 B2 A3 c|BcBA G2 B2|A2 FG A4| dedc BGBd|c2 B2 A3 c|BcBG E2 F2|G4 G4:|| AFGA B2 A2|G3 A G3 A|BGAB c2 e2|d6 Bc| d2 d2 c2 c2|B2 B2 A3 c|BcBG E2 F2|G4 G4:||

Tune 504 - One for Dan

A tune I got from the Cock and Bull Band, written by Dave Whetstone X:504 T:One for Dan C:Dave Whetstone M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G GBge dBed|GBge dBed|ccAc BBGB|ABcd A2 AA| GBge dBed|GBge dBed|cdef gdBG|ABcA GG G2:| d2 fe d2 dd|e2 f2 g2 gg|fe d2 ed c2|dcBc A2 AA| c2 cc B2 GB|ABcd A2 AA|B2 Bc dcBA|Gggg g4:|

Tune 503 - Literary Dustman

Also known as the Yorkshire Morris Dance. X:503 T:Literary Dustman M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G G>A B>c B2 B>A|G>A B>G A2 D2| G>A B>c B2 B>c|d>e d>c B2 A2:|| G>F E>F G>A B2|G>F E>G F2 B,2| G>F E>F G>A B>c|d>e d>c B2 A2:|

Tune 502 - St Georges Day

St George's day is in Northern Frisk - a compilation of tunes from NW England. X:27 T:St. George's Day  M:6/8 L:1/8 P:AB  K:G D|G2 D A2 D|B2 G GAB|c2 B A2 G|FGA DEF| G2 D A2 D|B2 G GAB|cBA DEF|G3 G2:| B2 d dBd|e2 c c2 B|c2 c cAc|d2 B B2 D| G2 D A2 D|B2 G GAB|cBA DEF|G3 G3:

Tune 501 - Portobello Hornpipe

The tune appears in the music manuscript collections of fiddlers William Irwin (1838, Langdale, Cumbria) and Joseph Barnes (1762, Carlisle, Cumbria). X:501 T:Portobello Hornpipe M:4/4 K:G (3DEF|G2 G>A G2 d>e|d>c B>A G>A B>G|A2 A2 A2 G>A|B>A B>G E2 (3DEF| G2 G>A G2 d>e|d>c B>A G>A B>c|d>B G>B c>A F>G|A2 G2 G2:| B>c|d2 d>e d2 e>f|g>f e>d e4|e>d c>B c>B A>G|F>G A>F D2 B2| c2 e>c B2 d>B|A>B c>A G>A B>c|d>B G>B c>A F>G|A2 G2 G2:|

Tune 500 - Pant Corlan yr Wyn (The Lambs Fold Vale)

A Welsh tune about which I can find no more information. X:500 T:Pant Corlan yr Wyn (The Lambs Fold Vale) M:4/4 K:G D|G2 GA B2 G2|c2 cB A2 c2|B2 G2 GABc|d2 A2 F2 D2| G2 GA B2 G2|c2 cB A2 c2|B2 G2 FGAF|G4 G3:|| A|B2 d2 d2 cB|A2 c2 B2 A2|B2 G2 GABc|d2 A2 F2 D2| G2 GA B2 G2|c2 cB A2 c2|B2 G2 FGAF|G4 G3:|

Tune 499 - Brafferton Village

This was written by Kathryn Tickell for relatives that lived in Brafferton, which is a village near Durham X:499 T:Brafferton Village M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G D2|B3 A G2|B2 c2 d2|e3 c e2|d4 c2| B3 A G2|D2 G2 B2|B3 A G2|A4 D2| B3 A G2|B2 c2 d2|e2 f2 g2|d4 c2| B3 c d2|B2 A2 G2|D3 A F2|G4:|| g2|e4 c2|e2 f2 g2|d3 e c2|B4 G2| E2 G2 c2|D2 G2 B2|d2 g2 B2|A4 g2| e3 c G2|d2 B2 G2|e2 f2 g2|d4 c2| B3 c d2|B2 A2 G2|D3 A F2|G4:||

Tune 498 - Waltz for the Valeta

From the playing of the East Anglian melodeon player Percy Brown. X:498 T:Waltz for the Valeta S:Percy Brown M:3/4 L:1/8 K:D D2 F2 A2|A4 B2|B6|A6|D2 F2 A2|A4 B2| B6|A6|d2 A2 d2|c6|B2 G2 B2|A6| D4 F2|E4 D2|A2 B2 A2|G2 F2 E2|D2 F2 A2| A4 B2|B6|A6|D2 F2 A2|A4 B2|B6|A6| d2 A2 d2|c6|B2 G2 B2|A6| G2 F2 B2|F4 E2|D2 F2 A2|d6|| dd d2 d2|cc c2 c2|BB B2 B2|A6| GG G2 G2|FF F2 F2|E2 e2 d2|c2 B2 A2| dd d2 d2|cc c2 c2|BB B2 B2|A6| G2 F2 B2|F4 E2|D2 F2 A2|d6

Tune 497 - Starry Night in Shetland

This is a lovely traditional Scottish waltz unsurprisingly from the Shetlands. X:497 T:Starry Nights of Shetland M:3/4 L:1/4 K:D A|f2 d|ABA|G3|c2 B|A2 c|e2 A|f3-|f2 A|f2 d| ABA|G3|c2 B|A>c e/2f/2|gBc|d3-|def|gBg| gBg|fAf|fAf|fdf|agf|e3-|e2 A| f2 d| ABA|G3|c2 B|A>c e/2f/2|gBc|d3-|d2||

Tune 496 - Ton-y-Botel

Ton-y-Botel, also known as Ebenezer, is a Welsh hymn tune composed by Thomas John Williams. X:123 T:Ton-y-Botel C:Thomas John Williams, 1890 L:1/8 M:4/4 Q:1/4=105 K:Emin E2 (3EFG F2 E2|F2 (3FGA G>F E2| B2 (3ABc B>A G2|A>G F2 E4| E2 (3EFG F2 E2|F2 (3FGA G>F E2| B2 (3ABc B>A G2|A>G F2 E4| B2 (3GAB A2 A2|G2 (3EFG F2 F2| E2 (3EFG A2 A2|G2 (3AGA B4| E2 (3EFG F2 E2|F2 (3FGA G>F E2| B2 (3ABc B>A G2|A>G F2 E4|

Tune 495 - Saucy Little Bird on Nelly's Hat

A music hall tune by American musical-theatre composer Harry Tierney from the early 19c. X:495 T:Saucy Little Bird on Nelly's Hat, The C:Har ry Tierny M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G (3DEF|G2 G2 G>B A>G|F>A d2 d2- d>c| B>d B>G A>c A>F|G>A (3BAG D2 (3DEF| G2 G2 G>B A>G|F>A d2 d2- d>c| B>d B>G A>c A>F|G2 G2 G2:| B>c|d2 d2 d2 e2|d2 c>B c2 A>B| c>B A>B c2 d2|c2 B>A B2 (3 DEF| G2 G2 G>B A>G|(3FGA d2 d2- d>c| B>d B>G A>c A>F|G2 G2 G2:|

Tune 494 - Y Delyn Newydd (The New Harp)

Y Delyn Newydd - The New Harp, a Welsh polka. X:494 T:Y Delyn Newydd T:The New Harp M:2/4 L:1/8 K:G |:BAGA B2 d2|d2 c2 c4|cBAB c2 e2|e2 d2 d4| BAGA B2 d2|d2 c2 c4|cB A2 cB A2|B2 G2 G4:| |:g2 f2 e2 d2|g2 f2 e2 d2|g2 f2 e2 d2|cc B2 A4| f2 ee d4|f2 ee d4|f2 ee d2 cc|B2 A2 G4:

Tune 493 - My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean

The tune for a traditional Scottish folk song. X:493 T:My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean M:3/4 L:1/4 K:D A|f e d| e d B|A F2-|F z A|f e d|d c d|e3-|e z A| f e d|e d B|A F2-|F z A|B e d|c B c|d3-|d2 z| A3|d3|B3|e2 d|c c c|c B c|d2 e|f3| A3|d3|B3|e2 d|c c c|c B c|d3-|d2||