The tune dates to the 18th century when it was printed in the 1790's collections of John Watlen and James Aird. Played on one of my frankenboxes, basically a Hohner Pokerwork case fitted with single voice, flat mounted Cagnoni reeds. X:122 T:Chelmsford Races M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G |:D|G2 G GFG|A2 A d2 d|B2 B G2 G|FGA DEF| G2 G GFG|A2 A d2 d|ced cBA|G2 G G2:|| |:d|dcd Bcd|e2 e e3|f2 f def|g2 g gfe| d2 d Bcd|e2 f gfe|ded cBA|G2 G G2:||
A tune a day recorded by Lester Bailey, in his shed, played on one of his various melodeons.