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Showing posts from February, 2013

Tune 183 - Galopede

Another tune about which I know nothing interesting. X:149 T:Galopede M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G dc|B2Bc A2AB|G2G2G2AB|cBcd edcB|A2A2A2dc| B2Bc A2AB|G2G2G2AB|cBAG FGAF|G2G2G2:| Bc|d2gf e2e2|dcBc A2Bc|d2gf edcB|A2A2A2Bc| d2gf e2e2|dcBc A2dc|BdBG AcAF|G2G2G2| Bc|d2d2d2g2|d2d2d2g2|d2d2edcB|A2A2A2Bc| d2d2d2g2|d2d2d2g2|edcB AcBA|G2G2G2|

Tune 182 - Jiggery Pokerwork

In celebration of the half way point of this tune-a-day enterprise, a tune I can nearly play :). This is a brilliant John Spiers tune. Thanks to everyone who has stuck with it so far, gets harder from now as I only have about 50-70 tunes left in my repertoire and another 183 to go. X:220 T: Jiggery Pokerwork M:6/8 C:John Spiers K:Em E2 F GFE | B2 c A3 | A2 B G2 B | BAG FGF | E2 F GFE | B2 c A3 | A2 B G2 B | BAF E3 :|| B_B=B GEB | _B=BG EB_B | BGE cGE | dAF gdB | B_B=B GEB | _B=BG EB_B | A3 d3 | BAF E3 :|

Tune 181 - Maggie in the Wood

An Irish Polka. X:277 T:Maggie in the Wood M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G G2D2G3A|B2d2e4|d2B2BAGA|B2A2A2BA| G2D2G3A|B2d2e4|d2B2A2BA|G4G4:| g2f2e2d2|e2f2g3e|d2B2BAGA|B2A2A4| g2f2e2d2|e2f2g3e|d2B2A2BA|G4G4:|

Tune 180 - Sweet Jenny Jones - Adderbury

A morris dance tune from Adderbury, one of the, to my knowledge, only two waltzes in the whole of Costwold morris. X:475 T:Sweet Jenny Jones - Adderbury M:3/4 L:1/4 K:G d|g d B|G>A B|c e a|f d f| g d B|c>d e|d g f|g2|| g/2a/2|b g b|a f d|g e g| f d g/2a/2|b g b|a f d|g f e| d2 e/2f/2|g d B|G>A B|c e a| f d f|g d B|c>d e|d g f|g2||

Tune 179 - Navvy on the Line

A hornpipe about which I know no more. X:314 T:Navvy On The Line M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G B>c|d>g f>e d>c B>A|(3GBG D>G B2 A>G|(3FAF D>F A2 G>F| G>D E>F G>A B>c|d>g f>e d>c B>A|(3GBG D>G B2 A>G| F>G A>B c>d e>f|g2 g2 g2:|| A>G|(3FAF D>F A2 G>F|(3GBG D>G B2 A>G|(3FAF D>F A2 G>F| G>D E>F G>A B>c|d>g f>e d>c B>A|(3GBG D>G B2 A>G| F>G A>B c>d e>f|g2 g2 g2:|

Tune 178 - Mr & Mrs Mickey Mouse

This tune is from the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band, who got it from the 1935 sheet music by Eddie Lisbona and Tommy Connor. I learned it from the English melodeon players standard source the Flowers & Frolics LP Bees on Horseback. First outing for my new Bb/Eb melodeon :) X:304 T:Mr & Mrs Mickey Mouse M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G Bc|d2 B2 c2 e2|d2 B4 Bc|d2 B2 c2 e2|d2 B4 Bc| d2 B2 G2 D2|c2 A2 F2 A2|G2 G2 GABA|1 G6:|2 G8|| E2 E2 F2 F2|G2 G4 Bc|d2 d2 c2 B2|A4 A2 A2| B2 B2 c2 c2|Bc d2 d2 c2|B2 A4 Bc|d2 B2 c2 e2| d2 B4 Bc|d2 B2 c2 e2|d2 B4 Bc| d2 B2 G2 D2|c2 A2 F2 A2|G2 G2 GABA|G8||

Tune 177 - Three Around Three

An English tune about which I know no more. X:483 T:Three Around Three M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G d2BA G2G2|A2BA G2D2|EDEF G2AB|c2B2B2A2| d2BA G2G2|A2BA G2D2|EDEF G2Ac|B2G2G4:| d2ef gfed|e2e2efge|d2B2B2AG|FGAB A4| d2ef gfed|e2e2e2d2|ef g2fg a2|g4g4:|

Tune 176 - Nelson's Praise - Ilmington

A variant of the morris standard Princess Royal, used for a jig from Ilmington. X:176 T:Nelson's Praise - Illmington M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G dc|B2 A2 G2 dc|B2 A2 G2 d2|e2 ed cdec|d2 dc BcdB| c2 B2 A2G2|FGAF D2 dc|BGBG A2 F2|G4 G4|| g2 g2 g2 fg|a2 d2 d4|gfed cBAG|FA D2 D4| E2 EF GFGA|B2 G2 g4|g2 d2 e4|d2 B2 c4| c2 B2 A2 G2|FGAF D2 dc|BGBG A2 F2|G4 G2|| dc|B4 A4|G4 d2 c2|B4 A4|G4 d4|e4 e2 d2| c2 d2 e2 c2|d4 d2 c2|[M:2/4]B2 dB|[M:4/4]c2 B2 A2 G2| FGAF D2 dc|BGBG A2 F2|G4 G4||

Tune 175 - Red River Valley

Red River Valley is a Canadian folk song and cowboy music standard. X:411 T:Red River Valley M:C K:G D2G2|B4 B2B2|B4 A2B2|A2 G6-|G4 D2G2| B4 G2B2|d4 c2B2|A8-|A4 d2c2| B4 B2A2|G4 A2B2|d2 c6-|c4 F2E2| D4 F2G2|A4 B2A2|G8-|G4|]

Tune 174 - Lillibullero

An Irish tune that has been around since at least the early days of the 17th century. Its attribution to the English composer Henry Purcell is doubtful he probably hijacked the tune as his own. If you are old, like me, you may well have first met it as the signature tune for the BBC's World Service. X:283 T:Lillibullero M:6/8 L:1/8 K:D DED F2 F|EFE G2 G|FAD G2 F|EDC D3:| |:d2 c d2 A|AB=c B2 A|ABc dAB|AGF E3| BAG FGA|BAG FGA|BdD G2 F|EDC D3:||

Tune 173 - I'll Go Enlist - Sherborne

A morris jig tune from Sherborne, a bit strange as it only has an A music and the slow music for the dance. X:219 T:I'll Go and Enlist M:2/2 K:EDor E2 EF G2 A2|B2 e2 B2 B c|d2 d2 d2 FG|A2 AF D2 D2| E2 EF G2 A2|B2 e2 B2 B c|d2 F2 A2 GF|E4 E4|| E4 E2 F2|G4 A4|B4 e4|B4 B2 c2| d4 d4|d4 F2 G2|A4 A2 F2|D4 D4| E2 EF G2 A2|B2 e2 B2 B c|d2 F2 A2 GF|E4 E4||

Tune 172 - Rattling Bog

The tune for an Irish folk song about a bog in a valley, and the contents thereof. Commonly used in the North West Morris tradition. X:409 T:Rattling Bog M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G G/2A/2|B2 B3/2A/2|GE E2|DG G/2F/2G/2A/2| BA A2|B2 B3/2A/2|GE E2|Dd d3/2c/2|BA G:| |:G/2A/2|BG AG/A/|BG AG/2A/2|Bd d3/2c/| BA AG/2A/2|BG AG/A/|BG AG/2A/2|Bd d3/2c/2|BA G:|

Tune 171 - Ladies Pleasure - Field Town

The tune for a morris jig (one man dance) from Field Town. X:266 T:Ladies Pleasure - Field Town M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G g|gfe edc|BcA G2 D|(4GABc (4dedc|B2 A G2|| A|Bcd d2 A|Bcd d2 A|Bcd edc|BcA G2 g|  gfe edc|BcA G2 D|(4GABc (4dedc|B2 A G2||  g|g f e3|e d c3|B c A3|G3 D3|(4GABc (4dedc|  B2 A G g|g f e3|e d c3|B c A3|G3 D3|  (4GABc (4dedc|B2 A G2||

Tune 170 - Ladies Pleasure - Bledington

The tune for a morris jig (one man dance) from Bledington.      X:265 T:Ladies Pleasure - Bledington M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G d|g2 g B2 c|d2 B G2 D|G>GG ABc|B2 A A2 d| g2 g B2 c|d2 B G2 D|G>GG ABc|B2A G3|| AAA cBc|AAA cBc|A>Bc def|gfe d2 d| g2 g B2 c|d2 B G2 D|G>GG ABc|B2A G3|| d3|g3 g3|B3 c3|d2 c B2 A|G2 D| GGG ABc|B2 A A3|d3|g3 g3|B3 c3| d2 c B2 A|G2 D|GGG ABc|B2 A G3|

Tune 169 - The Valentine

A morris dance tune originally form Ascott-under Wychwood but now mostly used for a Field Town Dance. Played today for Valentines Day. X:523  T:Valentine - Field Town  M:6/8  L:1/8  K:G  d|gfe ede|edc cBc|dBg dBG|FAA A2 d| gfe ede|edc cBc|dBG DAF|GGG G||  Bc|ded dBd|BGG GAB|cAc BGB|FAA ABc|  ded dBd|BGG G2 d|efg dBd|BGG G:||

Tune 168 - Sussex Bonny Breast Knot

A tune that I kind of guess originates in Sussex. X:492 T:Sussex Bonny Breast Knot M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G dc|B2G2G2AB|cBAG F2D2|G2B2A2c2|B2d2d2dc| B2G2G2AB|cBAG F2D2|G2B2A2dc|B2G2G2:| Bc|d3e d3e|dcBA G2G2|AGAB cBcd|e2A2A2Bc| d3e d3e|dcBA G2G2|A2A2D2EF|G4G2:

Tune 167 - Buffens

A 16th century sword dance tune as recorded by Thoinot Arbeau in his 'Orchesography' X:70 T:Buffens M:C L:1/8 K:G G>A BB c4|B>A BG A4|G>A BB c4|BG AA G4| G>A BB c4|B>A BG A4|G>A BB c4|BG AA G4|| d2 ed c4|BA Bc d4|d2 ed c4|BG AA G4| d2 ed c4|BA Bc d4|d2 ed c4|BG AA G4||

Tune 166 - Sir Roger de Coverley

An English and Scottish Country Dance tune. X:459 T:Sir Roger de Coverley M:9/8 L:1/8 K: G GAG G2 e dBG|E2 A A2 G FED| GAG G2 e def|g2 G GAG FED:|| d3 e3 dBG|E2 A A2 G FED| d3 e3 def|g2 G GAG FED:|| gag f2 e dBG|E2 A A2 G FED| gag f2 e def|g2 G GAG FED:|| dcB cBA BAG|E2 A A2 G FED| dcB cBA Bcd|g2 G GAG FED:|

Tune 165 - Marche des Cabrettaires

French traditional tune - from the Auvergne region, translates as March of the Pipers, Cabrette being the name of the Auvergne pipe X:308  T:Marche des Cabrettaires  M:2/4  L:1/8  K:G  DGA|B2 B2 BcBA|G2 G>A GDGA|B2 G2 F2 G2| A>B cB A2 AB| c2 c2 cdcB|A2 A>B A2 Bc| d2 d>e dcBA|Ggfe dBGA| B2 B2 BcBA|G2G>A GDGA B2 d2 c2 B2|A>B cB A2 AB| c2 c2 cdcB| A2 A>B A2 Bc|d2 d>e dcBA|G4G3|  d|:B d B d B3 d|e>dcB c A2 c|A c A c A3 c |d>cBA B3 d| B d B d B3 d|e>dcB c A2 c|A c A c A3 c| d>cBA G||

Tune 164 - Down by the Sally Gardens

This should be more correctly called The Maids of the Mourne Shore, but is know as Down by the Sally Gardens as it is the tune to which the William Butler Yeats poem of the same name is set. X:127  T:Down by the Sally Gardens  M:2/2  L:1/8  K:G  GA| B2 AG A2 Bd| e4 d2 gd| e2 dB A3 G| G4 z2 GA|  B2 AG A2 Bd| e4 d2 gd|e2 dB A3 G| G4 z2 d2|  g2 fd e2 g2| f4 d2 Bd| e2 dB de ga| g4 z2 GA|  B2 AG A2 Bd| e4 d2 gd| e2 dB A3 G| G4 z2||

Tune 163 - Davy Davy Knick Knack

Very common session tune about which I know no more. X:118 T:Davy Davy Knick Knack M:4/4 K:G D2|GFGA B2B2|GFGA B2B2|dcBc A2A2|dcBc A2A2| GFGA B2B2|GFGA B2B2|dcBc AcBA|G2B2 G2:| z2|d3c B2d2|g2g2 d2 z2|dcBc A2A2|dcBc A2A2| d3c B2d2|g2g2 d2 z2|dcBc AcBA|G2B2 G2:|

Tune 162 - Lads a'Bunchum - Adderbury

The tune for a stick dance tune from Adderbury. X:267 T:Lads a'Bunchum - Adderbury M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G A2|B3 c Bcde|c2 A2 A2 Bc|d2 d2 dcBA|B2 G2 G2:|| gf|e2 d2 d2 GA|B2 B2 B2 gf|e2 d2 c2 B2|A2 G2 G2 gf| e2 d2 d2 GA|B2 B2 B2 gf|e2 d2 c2 B2|A2 G2 G2||

Tune 161 - Wells Waltz

Another East Anglian tune that I got from a Katie Howson workshop. I note that there is a different version in the East Anglian tune bible 'Before the Night Was Out'. X:537 T:Wells Waltz M:3/4 K:D B2|A2 d2 f2|d'2 c'2 b2|a2 f2 d2|A6|A6|B4 A2| c6|c4 B2|A2 d2 f2|d'2 c'2 b2|a2 f2 d2|A6|A6|e4 f2|d6|d4:| e2|f4 f2|f2 e2 d2|g4 g2|g6|g4 g2|g2 f2 g2| b6|a6|b4 b2|b2 a2 f2|d6|f6|B6|c3 A B>c|d6|d4:|

Tune 160 - Rogue's March

The Rogues March used to be played to drum out dishonoured soldiers from the Army, during the playing they were stripped of rank, badges and buttons then normally flogged, which the Drum Major used to count the amount of lashes, and then they were marched out of the camp with dishonour. X:417 T:Rogue's March M:6/8 L:1/8 K:G B2B Bcd|e2e e3|d2d d2e|d2c B2A| B2B Bcd|e2e e3|def gdB|A3G3:| g3f3|e3d3|g3 f3|efe d2c| B2B Bcd|e2e e3|def gdB|A3G3:|

Tune 159 - Horses Bransle

A French dance tune collected by Thoinot Arbeau (1520-1595). X:212 T:Horses Bransle M:4/4 L:1/4 K:G G>A BB|c>B Ac|B>A GF|E2 D2| G>A BB|c>B Ac|BG AF|G2 G2:|| d c/B/ A/B/ c|c B/A/ G/A/ B|AG FG|A2 A2| d c/B/ A/B/ c|c B/A/ G/A/ B|AG FA|G2 G2:||_B A/G/ _B A/G/|FG A2|DE FG|A_B AG| _B A/G/ _B A/G/|FG A2|DE FG|AG G2:|

Tune 158 - Great North Run '86

A tune from the Northumbrian accordionist Robert Whitehead. X:1  T:Great North Run '86  C:Robert Whitehead  M:4/4 L:1/8  K:G  G2 G2 FGAF|GABc d2 B2|e2 ce d2 G2|ABAG E2 D2|  G2 G2 FGAF|GABc d2 B2|e2 ce dBGB|A2 F2 G4:|  g2 eg f2 d2|e2 ce d2 B2 |e2 ce d2 G2|ABAG E2 D2|  G2 G2 FGAF|GABc d2 B2|e2 ce dBGB|A2 F2 G4:|

Tune 157 - Danish Polka

A tune I learned at a Pete Coe workshop. X:111 T:Danish Polka C:Trad arr: Lester Bailey M:2/4 R: K:G G2 B2 | B>A G>A | B2 d2 | d>B G>B | A2 A>B | c>B (3AcA  | G2 B2 | d2 B2 | G2 B2 | B>A G>A | B2 d2 | d>B G>B | A2 A>B | c>B (3AcA | G2 B2 | G2 z2 :|| c2 e2 | e>d c>e | B2 d2 | d>B G>B | A2 A>B | c>B (3AcA | G2 B2 | d2 B2 | c2 e2 | e>d c>e | B2 d2 | d>B G>B | A2 A>B | c>B (3AcA | G2 B2 | G2 z2 :

Tune 156 - Maguire and Patterson

A waltz by Robbie Overson. X:299 T:Maguire and Patterson C:Robbie Overson M:3/4 L:1/8 K:G GB|d4 dd|d2 c2 B2|A2 G2 A2|B4 GB| d4 dd|d2 c2 B2|A2 G2 A2|G3 z GA| B4 cB|B4 cB|B4 cB|B4 A2| G2 A2 B2|A4 G2|G6-|1 G4:|2 G4 (3def|| g4 g2|f2 e2 d2|d2 g2 d2|e4 (3def| g4 g2|f2 e2 d2|d2 g2 b2|a2 z2 (3DGB| d4 dd|d2 c2 B2|A2 G2 A2|G4 A2| G2 A2 B2|A4 G2|G6-|1 G4:|2 G4|