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Tune 364 - A Left Turn at Albuquerque

A tune I learned at a workshop in Whitby from its composer Matt Quinn. He taught a selection of interesting chords, I have played it on a one row :-)

T:A Left Turn at Albuquerque 
C:Matt Quinn 
g2 gf d2 BB|cd e2 d2 BB|cd e2 d2 BB|c2 A2 A4| 
g2 gf d2 BB|cd e2 d2 BB|cd e2 d2 Ac|B2 A2 G4:| 
A2 AB c2 d2|g2 a2 g3 d|e2 d2 c2 Bc|d2 B2 A4| 
g2 gf d2 BB|cd e2 d2 BB|cd e2 d2 Ac|B2 A2 G4:|
